Thursday, March 3, 2011

Speed Limit

Personal thoughts (Not really school related, but I need to share these thoughts)

I would describe my last two weeks as very difficult, because I have been running at full speed. My school and work life have consumed all my time over that period. Fortunately, I have been getting the results I want from work and school. I have maintained high marks in class and my project at work is functioning as desired.

There is a problem though, I am not giving myself time to relax, time for family, or time for reflection. Up to this point I have been very good at turning work off after hours, but that has changed now that I'm in school.

Last weekend my grandma emailed me to say that she is so proud after reading my blog, and I got a chance to respond and apologized for not making time to come see her, as I'm so busy. Unfortunately, on Monday morning I got a call to tell me that my grandma is the hospital. I don't want to share the details, but my grandma has suffered a serious health issue, and it kills me that I couldn't even make time to get over to see her this week. I plan to try this weekend, hopefully I can wrap up my paper, my presentation and get a rough draft of my team project also. Put that with sharing some time with my precious daughter and wife.

I never expected that going back to school would be easy, but I didn't realize exactly how free I was before starting the MBA program. I could have easily handled this load nine weeks ago. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I've been keeping something from my journal. My wife is (16 weeks) pregnant. I've described this time as "having a full plate, with no reason to go for seconds".

I apologize that the content hasn't focused on school so much, but this was therapeutic for me this week.

Reflection from school: Second Marketing test complete, and I think I scored a 100 on it as well. I'm kind of owning school, I would consider focusing less on school and more on my personal life, but for my family I want them to see that I didn't sign up half-heartedly. I'm in to win it, if I can say that.

I need to work on my paper, because I really want to see my grandma this weekend.

Grandma, if you read this soon, please know that I was glad you read my blog, and I'm glad I make you proud. I've always been proud of your courage as well. You are in my prayers tonight, as you are always.


  1. Sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I will be sure to keep her in my prayers. I feel the same tension, not a moment to relax. I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. & Congratulations on the new arrival!

  3. Give me a call and let me know how your Grandma is doing David.

    So proud of you!! I know you have a lot on your plate, please take time to breath. I know you will do great as you have always strived for excellence!!!
